Past News 2009

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"Louise Day - Textiles in Art" - Appraisal

After her wonderful talk, Louise Day has agreed to come back to do the appraisal evening on 9th February.
She had asked members to produce a piece of work that has 5 different materials; preferably including some that you haven't used before!

Bad Weather - Events Cancelled

Due to the terrible weather conditions we have decided to cancel some events:

  • 5th Jan - Still Life evening
  • 12th Jan - Video - "Painting in the Community"

The centre will be open for free painting if you wish to venture out, but John Whyman's DVD will now be shown on 2nd February (instead of the Still Life appraisal).

Founder's Plate 2009

Congratulations to Steve Molloy who won the Founder's Plate 2009 with his painting "Argument Over".
You can see some images from the night on our Past Events Gallery or on Michael J Davis Flickr page

Newsletter 77 - Jan 2010


On January 5th please bring something shiny, such as cutlery or other metal articles for a still life.

On January 12th Veronica and Betty will tell us about their adventures painting in the community and show us John Whyman’s SAA video.

On January 19th Louise Day from the group Imagengine will talk about textile art and her involvement with imagengine.

On February 16th We will hold the Annual General meeting. It is important that everybody comes to this to renew their subscription to the Society and to air your views.

On February 23rd Geoff Harrop will be talking about inks and how they differ from watercolour.

Our male life model on March 9th will be David who scored quite a hit with us in the last session.

On April 13th Colin Reeve will be talking about the art he studied when in the Sahara region of Africa as a young man.


We are pleased to announce that there will be three exhibitions in 2010:

1.Hollingworth Lake during the Summer - date to be confirmed.
2 The Festival Shop Hebden bridge for the two weekends 25/26 September and 2/3 October.
3.Littleborough Coach House 27th November for 4 weeks.

NB When presenting your artwork for exhibition please remember to use D-rings (flat rings) at all times and to affix these about one third down from the top of the frame.

Number Ten Gallery Exhibition

Rochdale Artists Winter Exhibtion 2009

Monday 30th November - Wednesday 6th January 2010

Rochdale Artists will be having an exhibition at Number Ten over the Christmas season. Pop in and see our work, along with other art, cards, jewellery and much more at the local gift shop. For directions - Google Map for Number Ten


On September 15th We will be hanging new pictures in the corridor. These will stay up until after Christmas. There may be limited space as we have had the pleasure of welcoming a lot of new members this year and will give them priority!

On September 22nd We will do a still life. Bring your own props. Any medium, any subject!

On September 29 please bring in your paintings for selection for the Hollingworth Lake Exhibition. Please make sure they are properly framed with flat rings not hooks.

On November 10th John Shepherd will be telling us where he is at on his arts course and encouraging us to be innovative in our work.

On November 17th one of us will be sharing some more watercolour techniques with those who are interested, but otherwise it is a free painting night.

On December 15th We have our Christmas party and the Founders Plate evening. Members will bring one painting per person, painted in the last 12 months, for critique by an external judge. The winner is presented with the Founder’s Plate which he or she holds for the next year.


We currently have two exhibitions coming up:

Thursday 1st October
- Tuesday 20th October
Hollingworth Lake Visitors Centre Exhibition

Preview Event - Saturday 3rd October
2.00 - 4.00pm

And in December...

Exhibition at Number Ten Gallery, Baillie Street, Rochdale.
Monday 30th November - Wednesday 6th January 2010

Thank you to all who came to our Open Evening!

It was a real success and you can now see the photos in our Past Events Gallery.

Interested in Art? Then why not come and join us at
Castleton Community Centre for our first

Rochdale Artists
Open Evening

Tuesday 7th July 2009
7.15 - 8.45pm

Rochdale Artists Open Evening 7th July 2009

Click Here for More Information
You can find a map to the Community Centre on our Map page.

All ages and creative abilities welcome!

Newsletter 75 - May 2009


On May 12th please bring some flowers for your Spring Still Life; you can set up your own, or share.Any medium may be used, but bear in mind that some flowers are easier to paint than others!

On May 19th please bring new paintings for the corridor. You will have seen that we have graciously allowed Barry Hobson, photographer to use our space for a week or two.

On June 16th Lynne Thompson will talk about her passion for wild life art and show us some of her work.

On June 23rd & 30th we might go to Slattocks for some outdoor painting. It is an ideal place for this but dependant on the weather, so check nearer the time.

On July 28th Tony Smart will demonstrate to us how to use pastels in portraiture. He is a well-known local artist with a very wide competence.

The following week, August 4th we could either prepare for our next life-drawing evening or practise portraiture. Either way, we could work in pairs and take it in turns to model.

Our life drawing model on August 18th will be Angela.

Annual General Meeting 2009
Tues 10th February

All members are invited to Rochdale Artist's AGM.
All officer posts and committee members are up for election this year, so if you want to stand for the committee or have anything you would like to raise please come along. Also, membership fees and details are due.

Members can now download the membership form on the Extras page.

Silent Auction Postponed until 17th February

Due to the bad weather, we decided to postpone the Silent Auction. So you still have to chance to come a bid for art materials, equipment, books, frames and even an orginal artwork!

Founder's Plate 2008

Congratulations to Lynne Thompson who won this years Founder's Plate. You can see photos of the event in our Past Events Gallery.

Newsletter 74 - January 2009


On January 6th we will re-distribute the exhibition paintings. Please attend on that evening or get someone to collect for you. We will hang a fresh set of paintings in the corridor on the following Tuesday. We will have a Still Life on both evenings if you will bring in some Christmas detritus.

On January 20th there is a committee meeting. Please note change of date.

On January 27th Shahida Dolan will initiate us into Korean painting techniques.

On February 3rd you will be asked to bring in any unwanted art items for a silent auction. This usually results in a very satisfying evening.

Please come to the A.G.M. on February 10th when annual subs will be collected and membership renewed.

On February 24th We will have an appraisal for the Art of Korean Painting.

On March 10th we will have life-drawing with a male model. The previous week there will be some preparation for this - how to use a plumb-line, the proportions of the body etc. David Bebbington will be in charge on the night.

On March 24th there will be a life drawing appraisal.

On March 31st Donald Holden will be demonstrating his pen and wash technique. Examples of his work can be seen in a set of cards on sale at the Coach House.

On April 14th the centre is closed for Easter Week.

On April 21st We will have an appraisal for Pen and Wash.

On April 28th David Bebbington will give us a talk on his drawing techniques.

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