COVID Lockdown Gallery

The group have been busy working on their own while the group has been unable to meet.
Here is a selection of their work..

Rochdale Artists Group Thank You

Rochdale Artists Thank You

One of our founder members, Colin Fielding, suggested that during the coronavirus lock-down the group could undertake the production of a poster thanking the NHS and key workers for all their dedicated industry during the pandemic.

Eight members volunteered to take part and within two weeks of conception, the poster was finished, depicting a range of subject matter related to the situation in which we have found ourselves. Each member depicted a picture independently and the result of subject ranged from the improvement in the environment, such as being able to appreciate birdsong during the shutdown, through to representations of the medical profession, key workers in areas such as refuse collection and transport; supporters acknowledging the inspirational such as Captain Tom as well as the general public accepting the need to lockdown in their own homes.

The poster was displayed at The Croft Shiva Health Centre for several weeks and has since been moved to the Walk-to Covid19 Test Centre at Rochdale Town Hall in response to an appeal for art work to make the centre ‘look less like an army field hospital’ and so less stressful and daunting for those who need a Covid19 test.

It is hoped the poster will find permanent display at Rochdale Infirmary when the test centre is no longer required.

Rochdale Artists is CLOSED

18 March 2020

We hope you are all keeping safe and ok in this difficult time. The committee and members have decided due to guidelines from the Government about Covid-19, that the group is postponing our weekly meetings.

Our Secretaries will be in touch and will be setting up online groups if you wish to join to share work and ideas.

Stay safe everyone and if you can, use your time the best you can - perhaps even making art.
We look forward to seeing you again soon.

You can follow the group on Facebook also:

Events January - April 2020 and Members' News

Our new Newsletter is available to view now. View Newsletter 108 here.

The annual Founders Plate/Xmas party night was very enjoyable, as usual. Our hearty congratulations are extended to David McPhail who won the Founders Plate Award for his portrait of a young woman. Well done David. The artwork submitted by Angie North and also Bill Bradley was singled out for praise, and chosen as highly commendable.
Our thanks go to our long standing friend, Mike Davis, who had the difficult task of judging this contest due to the high standard of the works, and for his very thorough critique of each work.

Events - September - December 2019 and Members' News

Our Congratulations go to David Bebbington who was chosen as this year’s winner of the Colin Gilbert Watercolour Challenge event. David’s portrayal of a lovely sunset, reflected in the sea, was a very worthy winner, chosen by more than half of the voters. Well done.

As we move into Autumn, it is a good time to decide on the pictures you want to exhibit at our annual exhibition at Littleborough Coach House. There is still plenty of time to paint some new ones if you want to bring in something new. We will advise you nearer the time of the hanging fees, and dates/details of the actual event.

Events - May - August 2019

Karen has once again put together a varied programme of events for us for the next few months, with an emphasis on portraits which we know some of you struggle with. Hopefully practice will make perfect !

As the weather warms up, we will be meeting outdoors each month, so look out for David’s announcements on his monthly reminder emails.

Events January - April 2019 and Members' News

Members' News

Congratulations to Bernie Bye, the worthy winner of our prestigious Founders Plate award, and to David Greenwood who took 2nd place, and George Hardy, our President, who took 3rd place. These were excellent choices on the Judge’s part, and thank you to everyone who took part. The standard of the work submitted this year was exceptional.

The 2019 AGM will be held on 5th March. All committee members are due to stand down from post this year, and so there are opportunities to be elected to roles on the committee should anyone be interested. If so, please speak to me, Veronica, or to David, at least two weeks prior to the AGM to record your interest. You may know that our current Treasurer, Geoff Harrop, is hanging up his hat after many years in the role, and Peter Barlass has been nominated for the post. We want to say a huge and grateful thank you to Geoff for all his dedication, hard work and commitment in conscientiously looking after the group funds on our behalf all these years. Thank you and very well done Geoff.

As usual, annual membership is due for renewal at the AGM. As of this year it will increase from £10 to £12 pa as a result of increasing costs. We trust we have your support in this, and as most of you know, this will be the first time that annual membership has had to be increased in well over 15 years.

View Newsletter 105 here

Here are some planned event highlights:

Jan 8th - Free Painting. These free painting nights offer a chance to work on your own art projects.
Jan 15th - Free Painting & CORRIDOR NIGHT. We will be putting up a new exhibition of your work in the corridor, so please bring a piece of work you want to sell or display. Something from the “Sail Away” theme perhaps – or something you submitted for the Founders Plate.
Jan 22nd - POINTILLISM – Bring in paper, pens, paints, felt tips – to create a work in Pointillism.

Feb 5th - SKETCH BOOK MONTH. Collect a free sketch book, and start drawing tonight.
Feb 19th - Artist KEVIN TAYLOR will be demonstrating a lakeside scene in ACRYLIC. To take part, please bring with you Acrylic colours Red, Yellow, White, Blue, Black, and Acrylic Paper/canvas and brushes.
Feb 26th - SKETCH BOOK NIGHT - Bring in your sketch book and show/discuss your work so far with the group.

Reports from Committee, Treasurer’s Report & Accounts, Appoint Committee Members, renew annual membership. A chance to raise issues/air questions.
March 12th - Artist GERRY HALPIN demonstrates a Landscape in ACRYLIC. Bring in your own materials as before.
March 19th - SILENT AUCTION: This is always a popular, fun and competitive night. Have a spring clean of your art books, magazines, and any and all art materials you no longer need. Bring in anything we can auction. Proceeds to group funds. Be prepared to go home with a bargain!

April 9th - STENCILS: An evening cutting paper stencils with Karen.
April 23rd - APPRAISAL NIGHT – Bring in acrylic seascape or landscape inspired by the two acrylic demonstrations.
April 30th - THEME NIGHT - It is time to show your work for the current Theme: “Under the Sea”

Members' Art Exhibition at Littleborough Coach House

Rochdale Artists Exhibtion 2018

Sat 27 October
to 25 November 2018

An exhibition of current work by members of Rochdale Artists.

Events September - December 2018 and Members' News

Members' News:
We welcome Bernie Bye, a new member, to our group, as we say bon voyage to Fiona Rudder and wish her good luck in her new home in bonny Scotland.

This year's worthy winner of the Colin Gilbert Watercolour Challenge is Stephen Slater with his lovely scenic painting of a tranquil lake in woodland surroundings. Second place was taken by Bernie Bye with her still life painting of a glass and fruit on a chequered cloth. Well done to you both, and thanks to all who took part.

Our annual Coach House exhibition this year will be held from Oct 27th to Nov 25th. As always, if you could offer help with hanging the exhibition, we would be extremely grateful. Further details of entry rules and hanging fees will be sent out separately to you.

You will see below that Karen has arranged a busy few months ahead with our events, but as always, our diary may need to change occasionally, so please look out for emails updating you with additional information.
Finally, if anyone wants to order art materials from the SAA Catalogue, please let me know. - Veronica

View Newsletter 104 here

Here are some planned event highlights:

Sept 4th - Free Painting. These nights offer a chance to work on your own art projects.
Sept 11th - SHOW & TELL. Show your art work and tell us your motivation, or show a piece of art that went wrong and say why, or share an art story with the group.
Sept 25th - IN-HOUSE WORKSHOP. Paint with Karen on pebbles or slate (provided). Bring watercolours.

Oct 9th * - LIFE DRAWING with artist Maurice Caghill and a life model. *This date may be subject to change.
Oct 23rd - SELECTION NIGHT – Bring in up to 3 pictures for our annual art exhibition at the Coach House, Littleborough. Hanging fees apply. Further info will be sent out prior to this night.
Oct 30th - PASTEL DEMO WORKSHOP – with talented artist OLGA LOMAX who will draw an animal or bird. Bring your own pastels and paper to join in. (NB: Appraisal in 3 weeks time.)

Nov 6th - INSPIRED ART - Show a piece of work - Inspired by your favourite song, poem, or music - and to make it fun and challenging, we will all try to guess at the subject's title.
Nov 20th - APPRAISAL – of pastel animal artwork – motivated by the Olga Lomax demo.
Nov 27th - XMAS CARD NIGHT. A chance to paint some cards for xmas. Cards/envelopes provided.
This is also COLLECTION NIGHT of unsold art from our Exhibition – so PLEASE turn up and pick up your artwork or arrange for its collection. We have no safe storage facilities.

Dec 4th - THEME APPRAISAL – Show your work interpreted by the theme - "Sail Away."
Dec 11th - FOUNDERS' PLATE NIGHT and XMAS PARTY. A chance to bring in one piece of your artwork created this year for judging by an independent artist to win the Founders' Plate. This will then be followed by our xmas party celebrations.
Dec 18th - Fun Quiz Night, Mince Pie Night & Free Painting Night. – Our last chance to meet this year.

Dec 25th and Jan 1st No meetings - Centre Closed. Our first meeting of 2019 will be on Jan 8th.

Events September 2018

While the final touches are being added to the next newsletter, the following events have been organised for beginning of September:

4th September - Free Painting
11th September - Show & Tell. Bring along a piece of your artwork, or a new idea/technique you have tried, or a favourite painting or a new artist you have discovered, and share it with the group.

The next newsletter will be added to the site in the coming weeks.

Events May - August 2018 and Members' News

We are delighted to welcome Shahida Dolan as our new Exhibitions Secretary, and hope everyone will give their support and assistance to Shahida as she undertakes the task of managing our future exhibitions.

In June we are holding our annual Colin Gilbert Watercolour Challenge event. As usual, artwork put into this competition must be mainly watercolours, undertaken within the last 2 years. All members will be given one vote to help choose the most popular artwork, and the winner will receive the CG China Plate and a Gift Voucher from the SAA.

Our latest newsletter is now online for current events and news - Newsletter 103

Annual General Meeting - 6th March - POSTPONED

Unfortunately, due to issues with the heating at the centre,
our AGM will be postponed on 6th March.

It is expected that the group will run as usual next week.
The AGM has now been rescheduled for Tuesday 27th March.

Events January - April 2018 and Members' News

To celebrate our 30th anniversary year as a painting group, we held a very successful buffet in October at the Littleborough Coach House. We were delighted that the Mayor attended and officially opened our Art Exhibition there. Our thanks go to Cllr Janet Emsley for her words of encouragement, and to Seamus Kelly for writing a special poem for us. Our extended art exhibition has had four successful sales so far. Please watch for our email advising when the exhibition is ending, and when you must come in to collect your work.

The Founders Plate Night on Dec 12th was very well attended. It was judged by Geoff Butterworth, and won by Peter Barlass with his detailed pencil drawing. Bill Bradley and Lorraine Dewhirst were worthy runners up. Thank you to Mike Davis for, once again, photographing the winners.

Members' News:
We offer a warm welcome to Peter Barlass, a new member, who specialises in pencil drawings – and we say a sad goodbye to our dear friend Carl Stockdale who died recently. We have had two paintings, painted by our late President, Colin Gilbert, donated to our group in his memory. These will remain exhibited on the notice board, with our thanks to Mrs Sharran Grey for this kind donation.

AGM 2018:
Our AGM is on 6th March, and once again we will be renewing memberships that night. Annual membership will remain at £10. We are looking for a new Exhibitions Secretary, as our incumbent secretary, Barbara Fallas, is retiring from this role and from the committee. We ask anyone interested in taking over from Barbara to let David or Veronica know prior to the AGM. We offer our very warm and sincere thanks to Barbara for all her hard work during her successful years as our Exhibitions Secretary, and for her commitment in undertaking extra duties on the committee to help other events run smoothly for us all.

Our chosen theme this quarter is: Portrait Drawing/Painting (any medium) of a Star of Stage or Screen.

For our next Corridor Exhibition we will showcase the lovely artwork produced for our last theme 3 colours (Black/White/Red). Please, therefore, bring back in this themed artwork on Jan 23 for the hanging night.

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